Founded in 2007, MEMSensing Microsystems (Suzhou,China)Co.,Ltd. has been praised as the pathbreaker in its industry for its promoting the establishment of Chinese MEMS industrial chain..
In August 2020, Minxin was listed on the Science and Technology Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange (abbreviated to "Minxin", code 688286). It is the first MEMS chip stock and also the company to master multi category MEMS chip design and manufacturing capacity in China. At present, it has 4 subsidiaries, and is a practitioner of MEMS industry chain R&D and localization.
Minxin Company obtained the title of "Top 10 Chinese MEMS Semi-conductor Company in 2020", "Top 10 Chinese Sensor Company in 2021", and received the "Chinese IC Design Achievement Award" and so on. It is committed to building a MEMS platform enterprise and leading the innovation, production and application so as to be the world's leading MEMS solution provider.
ChipSens MicroelectronicsASIC design house
LinkSensingDedicated to pressure modules in automotive, industrial control, medical and other fields
DSBEL ElectronicsMEMS product packaging and testing,planned annual production capacity about 1.5 billion,equipped with high-grade clean room
SenlutionFocus on inertial sensor module and algorithm application
Link: Zhonghong Weiyu
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